The Coupled

The front cover of the chapter, featuring the main characters of Volume 1: Dorje, Anzansi, and Neith

The front cover of the chapter, featuring the main characters of Volume 1: Dorje, Anzansi, and Neith

Dorje, awakening from a prophetic nightmare

Dorje, awakening from a prophetic nightmare

Confrontation with a Kirtimman Guard as Anzansi and Dorje flee an attack on the nearby Kirtimman Power Plant

Confrontation with a Kirtimman Guard as Anzansi and Dorje flee an attack on the nearby Kirtimman Power Plant

Dorje, possessed by the deity within him, disrupts the situation, and sends things towards chaos

Dorje, possessed by the deity within him, disrupts the situation, and sends things towards chaos

A series of pages from my independent graphic novel proposal, The Coupled. Inspired by the likes of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Final Fantasy, this story centers around Dorje, a 16 year old boy who is Coupled to a chaotic deity. As the story progresses, he must grapple with personal and political autonomy, as he works with the Resistance to prevent the Kirtimman Empire from initiating the Second Restoration.

April 10, 2022